
The Anglican Bishops Council of India (ABCI)


The Anglican Bishops Council was formed by the CEEC.CHURCH under the leadership of Archbishop John Sathiyakumar to be able to represent the interests of the Anglican Churches to the Indian Government. Membership is open to any valid Indian Anglican Bishop. The GAFCON Primates Council was informed of the establishment of the ABCI and invited to participate in our firm resolve to be a force for good, for peace, and for harmony in the great nation of India. In February, 2022 the GAFCON Primates unanimously recognized the establishment of an Anglican Bishops Council to work together with us for those purposes, calling it a significant step which reinforces the nature of the Anglican Communion, whose members affirm the Jerusalem Declaration, as the true inheritors of the Apostolic and Reformation faith of our forefathers.

GAFCON being a global movement within the Communion, in the furtherance of its provincial oversight has extended its autonomous powers to the ACI-CEEC to form a conglomerate of churches under GAFCON as the ABCI to affirm their Faith, Apostasy, and Orthodoxy to Anglicanism.  In a sequel to this, the ACI-CEEC extended its invitation to all faithful Anglicans in India serving the Lord under different denominations and independent churches to converge under common umbrage as the ABCI.