We want to thank our readers for following us during Gafcon IV in Kigali. We are very grateful for the ability to be there and report this significant moment in the life of the Anglican Communion. Gafcon was a great but sobering success, with a strong determined stance towards biblical faithfulness and away from the heterodox teachings that have torn apart the fabric of the Communion. Gafcon leaders took a stand not only against something but for something: following Jesus Christ for the sake of the Gospel to the ends of the earth, and not only that, but doing so in partnership with the Global South.
We look forward to reporting from the Global South Global Anglican Synod in Cairo, Egypt in May of 2024. The American Anglican Council is dedicated to developing faithful leaders, equipping local congregations, and always reforming the Church whenever it is needed. We are grateful to support Gafcon in its mission to recognize, authenticate and help struggling leaders around the world in search of reformed and faithful Anglican oversight. We are also thankful for the chance to support the Global South in its developing confessing and covenantal structures for the sake and life of the world, so that together we will press on towards a Church that is biblically-faithful, courageous, and equipped to bring the light of Christ wherever we are called.
Below are the news updates and commentaries we produced during Gafcon IV Kigali, along with our podcasts, and a summary of all the important documents released during this momentous conference. Please continue to pray for Gafcon and the Global South as we move forward in mission together.
Gafcon Kigali has begun, bringing 1300 delegates from 53 countries together in order to worship God, celebrate who they are and where they’ve come from, and pray for the future of the Anglican Communion. There are three main events leading up to…
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